Message from the Chapter President
Welcome to the Military Officers Association of America, Southwest Virginia Chapter. We are a professional organization recognized in Southwest Virginia for its wholehearted belief in our military organizations and those individuals who have so freely served and sacrificed for this great country. With your continued support and involvement we will remain a chapter whose efforts will make a difference in the lives of our fellow veterans.
Chapter Activities
1. A bi-monthly lunch or social event held at various locations. A short program is usually included on a topic of interest. Information on these events is promulgated through the SWVC chapter quarterly newsletter, website calendar, social media and email notifications. 2. The Chapter Legislative Committee is deeply involved in promoting State and National legislation in the interest of all military personnel, their dependents and survivors. 3. The Chapter Personal Affairs Committee is available on call to provide information to members and survivors on entitlements and to help members and survivors in the submission of inquiries, applications and claims. 4. A quarterly newsletter mailed to each member containing interesting and useful information on chapter activities and other items of interest on entitlements and benefits. 5. The Chapter undertakes community service projects plus annual awards presented to distinguished ROTC cadets in area schools and complimentary memberships to newly commissioned officers at VA Tech Radford
Legislative objectives of the 23 Veterans Service Organizations represented on the Joint Leadership Council of Veterans Service Organizations for 2009: 1.TurboVet System-To fully fund and deploy a system to expedite receipt of veterans disability benefits. 2.Homeless Veterans Study-To examine the current level of services provided to homeless veterans and the need for and cost of additional services. 3.Burial Vaults for Virginia Veterans Cemeteries-Appropriate funds to provide for burial vaults at Virginia State cemeteries at no cost to the veteran. 4.Real Estate Tax Relief for 100% Disabled Veterans-Pass legislation to amend the Virginia Constitution that would require local governments to grant real estate tax exemptions for 100% disabled veterans without regard to means testing. 5.Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunities for Military Children-The General Assembly enact HB395(2008)Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children. 6.Military Family Relief Fund-Enact legislation such that benefits paid from the Military Family Relief Fund shall be nontaxable.